Aruba, Microsoft en reelyActive werken samen rond IoT-workloads migratie naar Azure
Witold Kepinski, Dutch IT Channel
Aruba colabora con Microsoft y reelyActive para acelerar la migración de cargas de trabajo IoT a Microsoft Azure sin ingeniería personalizada
HPE intros new IoT data converter for Aruba-to-Azure IoT workloads
James Blackman, RCR Wireless News

Aruba Collaborates with Microsoft and reelyActive to Speed the Migration of IoT Workloads to Microsoft Azure without Custom Engineering
HPE Aruba Networking
HPE's Aruba is Collaborating with reelyActive and Microsoft Azure to Enhance IoT Workload Migrations
Alex Passett, IoT Evolution World
Aruba Works With Microsoft And reelyActive To Hasten IoT Workload Migration
Laveesh Kocher, Open Source For U

reelyActive: Enables Businesses To Leverage Real-Time Location And Context For Any Application
Mirror Review

reelyActive represents Canada at Silicon Valley's Plug and Play Demo Day
Gabrielle Drouin, Betakit

Startup reelyActive launches Bluetooth-enabled customer-tracking service
Beth Bacheldor, RFID Journal

Canadian Startup ReelyActive Leveraging the Internet of Things to Create 'Smart Spaces'
Roger Huang, Techvibes
Microsoft's The BizSpark Show with Jeffrey Dungen, CEO, reelyActive
Douglas Crets, The BizSpark Show

Montreal's reelyActive wins global startup competition, named 'world's best startup.'
Startup World, Venture Beat
Montreal's reelyActive Wins Startup World Competition | Becomes 'World's Best Startup'
Sam Wakoba, TechZulu

Loophole in iBeacon could let iPhones guard your likes instead of bombard you with coupons
Stacey Higginbotham, GigaOM
2013 will be the year of 'the Internet of things' as more than 5B wireless chips ship
John Koetsier, Venture Beat

reelyActive wants to create the Internet of Things for the little guy
John Koetsier, Venture Beat
Press Releases
- May 13, 2021 — reelyActive Releases Guide to Data-Driven Workplace Reopening
- August 29, 2016 — reelyActive Unveils Sniffypedia, Openly Connects IoT and Semantic Web
- April 27, 2016 — reelyActive Launches Pareto Platform