Open source embedded software,
DirAct reframes real-time location as
who is interacting with whom/what?
DirAct: answer the question that matters
A real-time location system (RTLS) answers the question "who is where?"
An indoor positioning system (IPS) answers the question "where am I?"
DirAct answers the question "who is interacting with whom or what?"
Location made meaningful
Whereas a RTLS or IPS typically represents location as x,y or x,y,z coordinates, DirAct represents location as meaningful interactions between people, products and places:
- Person A is interacting with Person B
- Person A is interacting with Cart C
- Person A is interacting with Door D
Device-agnostic by design, DirAct embedded software can run on:
- Any Bluetooth beacon
- Any Bluetooth wearable
Case studies
Organisations, both big and small, successfully apply DirAct to:
- Business outcomes
- Technical integrations
Free as can be
Permissively-licensed and open source, DirAct is continuously-evolving embedded software that guarantees:
- Freedom of access
- Freedom to modify
- Freedom from lock-in