DEEM is reelyActive's agile approach to digital transformation.
Organisations are faced with the challenges of evolving business context:
1 Transitory competitive advantage
To help organisations in finding new ways to remain competitive by formulating, testing and implementing possible responses using location-and-context-aware technology, as part of their journey to digital transformation, through a people-centric, agile approach whose outcomes are continuously aligned on evolving strategic intent.
Business needs
- Problem / Opportunity / Context
- Purpose / Strategic alignment / Owner / Beneficiary
- Impacts on business - Tangible / Intangible
- Trigger / Urgency / Priority / Timeline / Budget
- Mitigation / Alternatives / Options / Obstacles
- Capabilities / Autonomy / Digital maturity / Compatibility
Expected outcomes
- Desired state / Strategic intent / Goal
- Interim future state / Intermediate steps / Early win
Success metrics
- Expected outcomes (tangible / intangible)
- Definition (SMART) / Measures / KPI / OKR
- Relation - structure and management
- Open innovation / Agile transformation
- Ideation / Innovation / Co-creation / Iterations / Evolution
- Small scale / Isolated trials / Low cost / Limited risks
- Successes and failures / Knowledge / Skills development
- Capture / Share / Promote
- Proof of value <> strategic intent
- Best option / Minimum viable product
- Standard / Specific customisation
- Iterative realisation / Measure / Adjust
- Transfer / Train
- Ownership / Autonomy
- Progressive deployment
- Continuous improvement / Subscription
Transformation Management
The end goal of digital transformation is subject to change as the context within which it was set will continuously evolve, making it a journey, with multiple connected intermediary goals, that are continuously aligning within the broader purpose.
Digital transformation implies cultural, organisational and operational changes.