USC TILES-2018 Case Study
Pioneering research in workplace stress and performance analysis.


Researchers at the University of Southern California and their partners undertook a first-of-its-kind study on employee wellness and performance in the workplace based on timeseries data collected from modern, off-the-shelf sensors in a real-world, high-stress hospital setting. reelyActive was selected to supply the gateway infrastructure and software for real-time sensing and location.
212 participants were studied at work over 10 weeks at the Keck Hospital in Los Angeles where 244 ambient data gateways were temporarily installed in a matter of days. These reelyActive gateways and Pareto (Classic) software provided participant location data based on the devices they wore/carried as well as door motion, humidity, temperature, and ambient light environmental sensing data.
The resulting data set is publicly available and the study published in the prestigious Nature Research journal.
"Real-time location data proved to be a key indicator of workplace stress factors, providing a competitive edge for us to extend our study."

Deployed Solution
Data management by Evidation, compilation/analysis by USC researchers |
Pareto Classic (SaaS) | |
244 Owl-in-Ones on 7 floors | |
Android phones and wearables and Minew E8 & S1 sensor beacons |
- USC TILES-2018
- Los Angeles, USA
- 2018