Uncertain where to start? Behold.
Make sense of the next step forward for your organisation among all the practical possibilities.
Our Behold package includes:
- a comprehensive introduction to the Internet of Things (IoT) and context-aware physical spaces (CAPS)
- a site tour & inclusive exchange to discover specific opportunities for your organisation
- a practical workshop advancing identified use cases following the DMAIC approach
Agenda highlights include:
A morning making sense
Introduction to the Internet of Things (IoT) with specific focus on context-aware physical spaces.
Making sense of organisational needs & aspirationsRound-table discussion and site tour to establish organisational context and co-identify opportunities.
An afternoon of action
Participants collaborate on identified opportunities, applying DMAIC and our DEEM approach.
Debrief & call-to-actionThorough workshop debrief emphasising alignment towards actionable paths forward.
We invite the host organisation to organise a breakfast, lunch and/or end-of-day cocktail to maximise the opportunities for candid exchanges.