Fostering Technoethics through Art
Our technology enables computers to make sense of the real-time dynamics of physical spaces and their occupants. The era of the Internet of Things ushers in a wave of philosophical and ethical questions as perplexing, and certainly more profound, than the Internet did nearly three decades ago. Through artistic collaborations, we strive to present these questions to the broadest audience in the form of accessible experiences, stimulating both discussion and conscious reflection.
*put arts is an anagram of startup
Présences Périphériques
Evelyne Drouin (Kinesthetic Artist) and Jeffrey Dungen (reelyActive)
Abstract — Présences Périphériques is an installation that gives sonic presence to interconnected apparatuses worn by viewers within a space that is "under surveillance." These apparatuses emit Bluetooth signals that travel through the space, are captured by a receiver and then transformed into sound and light sequences.

Exhibited at Centre Clark | Montréal, Canada | January 11 to February 17, 2018
Exhibition Blog Post Source Code Tutorial
Light Wires (Slow Tech)
Evelyne Drouin (Kinesthetic Artist) and Jeffrey Dungen (reelyActive)
Abstract — Light Wires is an installation that interacts with the digital activity generated during the event. Each panel "breathes" in proportion to the real-time occupancy of a specific zone in the museum while the colours represent the relative occupancy of each zone over the course of the evening.

Exhibited at McCord Museum | Montréal, Canada | March 22, 2018