We connect the physical and the digital world

People, places and things exist and interact in the physical world. These same people, places and things have digital representations, and these too can interact in the digital world. reelyActive connects the physical and digital interactions of people, places and things.

Visit our current website at  www.reelyactive.com


Our founding team has been connecting people, places and things and their digital representations since the turn of the millennium. We've built real time location systems and wireless sensor networks based on active RFID from the ground up. We've built home automation systems from scratch.

On New Year's Eve 2011, the successful integration of some hardware prototypes and command-line code proved the catalyst for reelyActive. By providing a simple, accessible means of identifying, locating and connecting low-power devices to the Internet, we can bridge the physical and digital world and forever change the way people, places and things interact in both!

The Pitch

FounderFuel Demo Day, November 8th, 2012.

Imagine, the next big thing. It's Things!

"World's Best"

On July 13th, 2013 we won the Startup World pitch competition in our home town of Montréal.

On November 7th, 2013 we competed in the Startup World Global Grand Finale in Silicon Valley, pitching against startups from around the world. And we won, earning the title "World's Best Startup"! This was our pitch.
